Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Being a Beswan Djarum

Diposting oleh Anonim di 06.06 2 komentar
It is  a quotation taken from Michael Jackson's last movie title. It represents my happiness and also my big thanks for God because I finally become  Beswan Djarum on 2013 last year. (Well, you may think this post a far not-up-to-date, but I tried my best to share everything though). This is a great step I have taken to embrace my bright future as an impactful individual that bring change to my country.

So, lets check out my story :)

My selection process for Djarum Scholarship was quite difficult but I can say it wasn't that easy too. It started from administrative data submission, Psycho test, Group Discussions, and Interview. Those have its own impression for me because this is all my effort and finally I could through it all. Now, I want to write down all of the story behind this unforgettable moments, so that I will remember and thankful to the God, my Mom and Dad. And of course, my friends, brother and sisters, family for your never ending support you all gave me.

The first time I knew about Djarum Scholarship Program or Djarum Beasiswa Plus was from TV commercial. I was in senior high at that time. I just thought that it was ordinary scholarship, so I wasn't really interested. Well, that's normal. As a teen, I really aware only in Cellphone Credit, Final Exam, and how to get accepted in my favorite University, and nothing else including a scholarship. After I got accepted in and being a college student in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. I started to hear a couple information from my senior, and they recommend me to apply this program which provide not only financial support but also useful soft skill trainings for free for 1 year. Hmmm, I thought those were good point right there.

The scholarship itself only allowed a second year student to apply. So, in order to wait until the next year of college. I mostly spent my time with organization, hobbies, and studies. And fortunately I got a freelance job as a story-boarder in Malang TV. I guessed these could be a good chance for me to find a great experience and maximize my college time.  Then I met this friend, David John Charlez. He really encouraged me to join the program because he was also beswan at that time. As the first preparation, I study hard, sharing with seniors, and looking for info. I was actively seeking for on-line and physical information about the scholarship. I ensured that I wouldn't miss any info.

June 2013, the application for Djarum Scholarship was open. There were steps of selection such as administrative data submission, Psycho test, Group Discussions, and Interview. These were my challenges. And thank God, a few weeks after the first administrative collection, I got an email that I passed administrative selection, and I am allowed to attend the second phase of selection that was Psychotest
got the email and I print it out

It was time. The psychotest took place in DOME, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Psychotest was the most important selection because there would be so many students that eliminated through this part. From thousands, maybe the committee only take 50-100 students. In each University, the quota is different. In Malang, followed wih students from Brawijawa, UM, Merdeka, and UMM. BEfore the test began, the committe played the profil video of Djarum Scholarship, my heart was beating so fast. I was getting nerveous. I know my reaction was too much. This is my reaction facing competition. I always want to be the first, but I am afraid of failure and mistakes. This is my fear. "But not this time. You are strong, You can" I said.

The second test would be hold in 20th August 2013, and there were 2-3 weeks to prepare the test, so I didnt wast my holiday. At home, I spent my time to excercise on psychotest questions. I  just made my brain to be ready to face the questions later. Because in psychotest, what we need are concentreation and speed, so
Test tools given from the committee

Me, ready for the test
Test started, There were types of questions. There were math, picture tree, warteg test, logic, and science. I concentrated to the questions, I could fee my hand was getting cold. I listed the instructions carefuly. The test tooks more than 2 hours. And after the test, waiting for the result. We were all surprised with Indonesian's famous band, Andra and The Backbone. They were guess star for Djarum to help the applicants felt better because all of us were nerveous.
The band was the best surprise for all applicants

After the band finished playing, it was time to announce who were passed the test. And....
My number and Name were shown on the big screen. I passed the second test, and my limbs were feel so weak at that time. I hugged my friends who didn't pass this part, and support them that their effort wasn't end there because God never wrong.

In the same day, the committee asked us to gather and prepare to do the next test. Focus Group Discussion would be hold in BAU building, UMM. At that time, I met new friends from UMM, and also other Universities. At least, I got friends to lessen my nervous. 

 When the FGD started, we all were divided to several groups consisting of 10 ten students. My group members were from Merdeka University, Malang University. The committee gave each groups  a different article taken from newspaper. Each group had to presents the result of their discussion in front of the forum and the assessor. And other groups might deliver the questions. However, I enjoyed the process started from discussion until the presentation. I was actively involved in the discussion and presented some ideas.

The evening, the committee announced that there were no elimination in this selection. So all students pass to the Interview selection for the next day. Even though I experienced to be interviewed or interview people, I was still nervous and worry about the next day's interview. I read some interview tips on Google, and chose the best formal clothes. I decided to slept earlier, calm down my head, and eats healthy foods, and drank a lot of water. 
The next day, exactly at 12 PM I came to the interview. In fact, the interviewer only asked my about common things about me like identity, my life goal and purpose. The reason why I choose Djarum, what would I do if I selected. etc. After the interview, the result will be announced at 31st August 2013. Well, I need to wait.

The time had come, and Thank God I was really happy and proud to myself. I PASS and SELECTED to be one of the Djarum Scholarship Grantee or usually called as Beswan. I called my mom and dad to tell them the good news. I texted my friends and also my other familites & realtives.
Congratulations you are now Beswan Djarum
For all students and friends who want to apply to be the next Beswan, I wish you the best luck. Please prepare yourself from now on. Being a Beswan is the the one-lifetime-chance, you had not miss it. If you have questions or just want to share, please write the comment below. 

Semangatmu…. Ceriamu… Generasi yang membanggakan bersama Beswan Djarum.. Come Join  Us

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014


Diposting oleh Anonim di 18.29 2 komentar
I have been practicing digital painting using photoshop a lot for the last 6 month, and with limited of time of mine due to college, organization, assignments, I was only able to paint few artworks. I was being overhelmed in drawing girls lately. I dunno, I think girls is just beautiful and challenging to be drawn.

Each drawings are paint with different techniques, some of them fast painting, sketch, or only lineart.

Here some results,

Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Knowing AIESEC

Diposting oleh Anonim di 23.55 5 komentar
This might be little bit not-up-to-date story, but I swear to myself that I will write everything about my experience in AIESEC from the very beginning until now. So, of course the story is starting from the first time I know AIESEC until the current day I am writing this blog. However, I would not write down everything in one full article, but instead, I would do it separately with different title. It depends on each events and memorable experiences that had happened. For example, in this post, I will share a story when I firstly know AIESEC in my university.

I still remembered clearly what happened that day, when a friend, Bianka, told me that there is a small info session about international-level organization called as AIESEC in campus. First thought, It was a scholarship organization that could send you abroad freely but I want to know it further. In my campus, there are so many international opportunities and I thought AIESEC is one of those. The famous one is Erasmus Mundus, an international scholarship program that allows you to go study abroad through Europe countries. I know this program since I was in senior high. For more, at that time, I didn't really know how it was. And what I expect from AIESEC was also similar with Erasmus Mundus that also allows me to go abroad through scholarship program.

In fact, what I was thinking was wrong. The info sessions aimed to give a basic information and a brief introduction about AIESEC to my University. It is just established in my University, and it as seemed to be an event to find volunteers to be the first  members of AIESEC in my Univeristy. I wasnt really optimistic. But, I joined the info session and listened to everything about AIESEC and it was getting interesting for me.

AIESEC is international platform for young people to develop and explore their leadership potential. It has existed in total 124 countries with more than 86.000 members all over the globe. It is independent non-for-profit organization that focused in leadership and global internship and global issues. While the speaker was explaining, honestly, I was bit confused about. For me, it was a very new thing that I just know.

However, I got the point that AIESEC is not a scholarship program. It is beyond that, it is global youth organization than aims to create peace and fullfillment of humandkind's potentia by providing a platfrom for young genereations to develop their leadership and management skill. Shortly, AIESEC creates future leaders to make better world.

AIESEC internship programs are more likely to be volunteering activities, but it is focused in variant global issues. Global issues here could be anything that matters to certain countries or territories for example, poverty, education, health, and childreen. Moreover, they also have a proffsional internship opportunities. So, AIESEC sends students who are willing to participate to take a contribution to others through this two programs. They could choose one or both. ( I wont explain to long about these, will be toooo loooong)  AIESEC give us opportunities to explore our world and undertand our own world. By then, we will be ready to be a global citizen.

And then for the leadership program, AIESEC provides the members with leadership opportunities to implement what you have studied at school. AIESEC will let the students to manage all operational things inside the body, and provide the education such as conferences to help the members understand what they will do in AIESEC. These conferences are hold in certain cities, and countires. Each conference deliver different massange and purpose. At the end, AIESEC give a considerable contribution this a better society by creating another future leaders for next generation. And I think, this is a great chance for me to better myself, develop myself, but at the same time I contribute something that may create a positive societal impact.

At the end of the info sessions, I disscussed and questioned few things with the speaker. His name is Camelo from Columbia. He is AIESECer (the way you call AIESEC members) from AIESEC entitiy from his home country. He explains how AIESEC really important for youth to actually create something meaningful yet impactful to their society. He recommended me to join this organization and wish me the best experience ever.

I was then more confident to take this opportunites. I asked for a contact and asked them to call me if they have further information. I would be so glad to help. If it is something impactful that require a great commitment and passion, I want to be part of it.

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

My Drama Team & Performance

Diposting oleh Anonim di 22.53 0 komentar
As you may know, Drama  is a form of art performance which includes acting, dialogue, and a stage performance. It is of course done on the stage with various decorations, lighting and also sounds effect in order to make the performance alive. As second year English department college student, we all get a Drama Lecture in our class. Drama class is one of the challenging and also time consuming because you need to do a lot of practice to make your performance perfect. By the way, this experience happen to me this last three weeks.

Three weeks ago, my lecturers gave us a final project, that we had to make a group consisting 13-14 people maximum. This group had to show a drama performance at the end of December. So, we have only 3 weeks to prepare. Well, 3 weeks preparation is long enough for me. Then, we could choose the members of the group randomly. My group consisted of: Me, Mayang, Ocy, Bianka, Andre, Jefri, Ayu, lala, Milla, Dayah, Ruri, Rani, and Indrayati. As the group was made, my team advised me to be the Team Leader which means I will be the director of the our Drama. :’) Still in the same day, I didn’t want to waste my time, our time, so that we quickly discuss what story that we want to perform. Well, my idea was really simple. I think, this drama would be very interesting and feasible if we just picked up a story from the movie on which our story was inspired. We decided to adapt family-genre movie titled “Joshua oh Joshua“, an Indonesian movie stared by Joshua Suherman, Mega Utami,  Anjasmara, and Desi Ratnasari.

The story that our group made was about a missing child named Jessie who was left by her baby sitter 12 years ago and finally met her true parents. Well, you may think the story was very simple, but the preparation was not. It was consist of script-writing, casting, acting, costumes and decorating, rehearsing, and performing.

For the script-writing, we did a really great discussion ended up with very tempting and adapted story of the Joshua Movie. Well, people might not known and notice the plot which was adapted one. So, there were no big effort to make the plot. We just easily changed the ending, delete some unimportant and unnecessary scene and change few of the story’s complications. However, I wasn’t doing it by myself. My teams really supported and gave me some alternatives how the story would end. So, what I needed to do at that time were making the dialog. The script-writing took about 3 days to finish.

After the script was done, it was time to decides the characters cast. So, what I needed to do was casting the members. Actually, I had vision in my mind who would play as the protagonist and antagonist ones. But, of course I wanted to make sure that my vision was correct. So, I want them to demonstrate the dialogues. Even though the casting process wasn’t like I expect, I still believe that they can do the characters. Then finally, I chose Bianka, Mayang, Jefri, and Ayu as the main characters.

However, playing Drama in English was not easy as we playing drama in Bahasa. There were big difference especially in the way we express the dialogue. I have searched some expression that commonly used in for conversations, and I believed those would be hear able and sounds natural. I found that some of the previous teams didn’t have good dialogue because they use a very formal speech act that I thought might not suitable for drama. If the dialogue sounds natural  enough, they could memorize it easily and practice it soon.

For acting part, the thing that really matters was confidence. Well, some of my teammates seemed have difficulties in pronouncing some words. And I hear it very weird when they were practicing with their partner. So, while they were practicing the dialogue, I had to listen carefully and suggest the correct pronunciation. Then, after 3 times of meetings, finally it was time for acting. Honestly, I dont have experience in acting, movies, or being an actress. But I do love watching movies and always judging the way the actors/actress’ act. I observed how they express themselves in certain circumstance and situation. Sometimes I saw a talented actors with a very different role and characters in different movies. So, I could compared the acting between characters, the personality of the characters, and also the main strategy to make acting looks natural. And I shared it to my friends. At first, they were little bit shy and not confidence with their act. They talk slow, too fast, and unclear. It is my responsibility to guide them. In the 2nd meeting of acting session, I could see their improvement and courage to be total in their acting. I could feel that. 

Along with the acting, some of the teammates also helped me to prepare the decoration. It is me who design the stage decoration. I took us only a day to prepare the material and made the decorations which were mostly made from Styrofoam. We did that as fast as possible because the deadline was 9 more days for that day. Not only decorations, we should also prepare the costume, the material, the accessories and etc. Each of the individuals had their responsibilities to create or bring something.

Situations was getting serious and tense when the deadline was 4 days to go. We practice everyday, and starts to do some gestures and blocking for our acting. We had to record the narration, make the background videos, prepare the sounds and also the drama lab for rehearsal.

At the end, the results of our performance was very outstanding. I could see the audience enjoyed the show. Our lecturer, Mrs. Erly said that our drama wa so Excellent. And she gave compliments of our story, acting, decorations and many more. I was very proud of myself and my team. Finally we nailed it.

This good result of course no other than because our hard-work, commitment, and teamwork. At the end, they all said thanks to me that really warmed my heart that Saturday. It wasn't about me, but it was all about us. So, this was good learning that If you really committed to what you did, the result will be not dissapointing. The performance that day really made my day better.
I did appreciate what my team has done that Saturday, I knew that they did their best.

(From upleft to upright) Merry, Ruri, Lala, Mila, Ms. Erly, Ayu, Jefri, Rani, Andre. (From downleft to downright) Ocy, Dayah, Bianka, Mayang, Indrayati, and Me
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