Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Knowing AIESEC

Diposting oleh Anonim di 23.55
This might be little bit not-up-to-date story, but I swear to myself that I will write everything about my experience in AIESEC from the very beginning until now. So, of course the story is starting from the first time I know AIESEC until the current day I am writing this blog. However, I would not write down everything in one full article, but instead, I would do it separately with different title. It depends on each events and memorable experiences that had happened. For example, in this post, I will share a story when I firstly know AIESEC in my university.

I still remembered clearly what happened that day, when a friend, Bianka, told me that there is a small info session about international-level organization called as AIESEC in campus. First thought, It was a scholarship organization that could send you abroad freely but I want to know it further. In my campus, there are so many international opportunities and I thought AIESEC is one of those. The famous one is Erasmus Mundus, an international scholarship program that allows you to go study abroad through Europe countries. I know this program since I was in senior high. For more, at that time, I didn't really know how it was. And what I expect from AIESEC was also similar with Erasmus Mundus that also allows me to go abroad through scholarship program.

In fact, what I was thinking was wrong. The info sessions aimed to give a basic information and a brief introduction about AIESEC to my University. It is just established in my University, and it as seemed to be an event to find volunteers to be the first  members of AIESEC in my Univeristy. I wasnt really optimistic. But, I joined the info session and listened to everything about AIESEC and it was getting interesting for me.

AIESEC is international platform for young people to develop and explore their leadership potential. It has existed in total 124 countries with more than 86.000 members all over the globe. It is independent non-for-profit organization that focused in leadership and global internship and global issues. While the speaker was explaining, honestly, I was bit confused about. For me, it was a very new thing that I just know.

However, I got the point that AIESEC is not a scholarship program. It is beyond that, it is global youth organization than aims to create peace and fullfillment of humandkind's potentia by providing a platfrom for young genereations to develop their leadership and management skill. Shortly, AIESEC creates future leaders to make better world.

AIESEC internship programs are more likely to be volunteering activities, but it is focused in variant global issues. Global issues here could be anything that matters to certain countries or territories for example, poverty, education, health, and childreen. Moreover, they also have a proffsional internship opportunities. So, AIESEC sends students who are willing to participate to take a contribution to others through this two programs. They could choose one or both. ( I wont explain to long about these, will be toooo loooong)  AIESEC give us opportunities to explore our world and undertand our own world. By then, we will be ready to be a global citizen.

And then for the leadership program, AIESEC provides the members with leadership opportunities to implement what you have studied at school. AIESEC will let the students to manage all operational things inside the body, and provide the education such as conferences to help the members understand what they will do in AIESEC. These conferences are hold in certain cities, and countires. Each conference deliver different massange and purpose. At the end, AIESEC give a considerable contribution this a better society by creating another future leaders for next generation. And I think, this is a great chance for me to better myself, develop myself, but at the same time I contribute something that may create a positive societal impact.

At the end of the info sessions, I disscussed and questioned few things with the speaker. His name is Camelo from Columbia. He is AIESECer (the way you call AIESEC members) from AIESEC entitiy from his home country. He explains how AIESEC really important for youth to actually create something meaningful yet impactful to their society. He recommended me to join this organization and wish me the best experience ever.

I was then more confident to take this opportunites. I asked for a contact and asked them to call me if they have further information. I would be so glad to help. If it is something impactful that require a great commitment and passion, I want to be part of it.

5 komentar:

Una mengatakan...

Hai Anja... makasih ya udah mampir ke blog aku.
Kereeen... president AIESEC toh :D

Anonim mengatakan...

lho kok tau.? prasaan ga disebutin disini :0
iya mbak sama2. habis liat blog mbak Una, aku jg ikutan semngat ngeblog nih

gung mengatakan...

wow, AIESEC?!
keren banget! XD

Anonim mengatakan...

hi makasih udah mampir juga ya

Una mengatakan...

Ahaha... yang rajin ngeblognya ya, apalagi kayaknya kamu banyak banget yang bisa dishare, keren lah! Engga kayak aku, cerita-cerita GJ doang wkwkwk.

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